Our initiatives are focused on leveraging technology-empowered ecosystems to improve the prosperity, equity, resiliency, and sustainability of communities and organizations globally.

Technology for a
Resilient World
Technology for a Resilient World’s (TRW) mission is to reimagine resilience by using exponential technologies to accelerate and promote an increased focus on preparedness and to reposition resilience as an investment in long-term growth in order to create more resilient and better prepared societies.

The N50 Project
Geeks serves as the Project Management Office for the N50 Project, an initiative that works to acceleratesdigital adoption and community enrichment through innovative applications, network design, and business models to enable the next 3 billion people to participate in the digital world.

For WomenKind
Geeks focuses on gender equality and women’s empowerment by providing access to connectivity, technology and innovation to give women unprecedented opportunities and education to break trends, boost technology-driven innovative solutions for sustainable development and remove the barriers to the advancement of women and girls.

Oceans, Biodiversity & Human Rights
With support from leading public and private sector organizations, Geeks is working to implement a blueprint that encompasses the public-policy needs of government, the returns on investment for the private sector, the improvement of socio-economic standards for workers and their families, and environmentally sustainable fishing practices.

Mangrove Conservation with AI
Half of the world's mangroves have been lost, and only 7% are under protection. By enhancing data gathering and analysis technology, we can learn quickly, respond accurately, and share crucial data to preserve and restore this vital ecosystem. Improved real-time monitoring boosts community decision-making, shapes local to global policies, and helps replicate successful strategies worldwide. Integrating biophysical monitoring and developing educational tools are key to this technological approach.

Indigenous Resilience Network
An indigenous-led network promoting workforce development, broadband strategies, digital skills, technical assistance and community enrichment backed by the N50 global alliance. The IRN will be a North American (then global) network promoting workforce development, digital skills, and inter-community cooperative working, led by Indigenous subject-matter experts.

Thought Leadership
Geeks recognizes the importance of demonstrating thought leadership as a method of achieving its vision of promoting technology for a resilient world including bringing the benefits of broadband connectivity -health, education, poverty reduction, gender equality and the other UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)- to the estimated 3 billion people who remain unconnected.
CommunityConnect! is designed to bring essential Digital Divide related Internet connectivity, equipment, services and support to the unconnected and under-connected in communities. We provide the leadership, partnerships, and expertise to help deliver these services and also to enable organizations, commercial or otherwise, to catalyze their own initiatives and accelerate exponential change.