Humanitarian Organization Commits to Help Promote Best-Practice Recommendations Through Connectivity Initiatives Worldwide
Geeks Without Frontiers (GEEKS), a non-profit organization with the goal of leveraging connectivity to improve and save lives throughout the world, has commended fellow co-authors of “Report and Recommendations: COVID-19 Response”, a document unanimously approved on Oct. 29 by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC).
“We are honored to work with the FCC and fellow members of the BDAC’s Disaster Response and Recovery Working Group,” said David Hartshorn, CEO of GEEKS, and a Co-Chair for the Report. “It is our hope that the results of this collaboration will help strengthen broadband network resilience, not only in the U.S. but worldwide. We are committed to applying the Report’s findings to all of our resilience initiatives.”
The Report contains recommendations that cut across multiple facets of broadband system and service delivery during the COVID-19 crisis, including:
Improving end-user resilience, including broadband availability and adoption, and best practices for distance education and the virtual workforce.
Enhancing state and local support for provider emergency actions, such as accelerated permitting practices, fostering stakeholder relationships and communications, and pre-pandemic planning.
Ensuring effective provider response, such as expedited use of special temporary authorizations, and using pandemic funds flexibly to address availability and adoption, and more.
“The recommendations, as well as measures identified to promote more effective teleworking and remote learning environments, are valuable informational tools that we are already planning to apply in our resilience programs going forward,” added Michael Potter, GEEKs’ Executive Director.
GEEKS’ support is the latest in a series of efforts to help identify and leverage best practices that accelerate resilience and enable exponential improvements in access to connectivity. For example, GEEKS has also been instrumental in the development of…
The BDAC Disaster Response and Recovery Working Group Report (
✎ EditSign),
The State Model Code for Accelerating Broadband Infrastructure Deployment and Investment ( ✎ EditSign),
Geeks’ Model Law of DigOnce!
Coordination of emergency management capacity building for a U.S. Commerce Department program in Afghanistan, and COVID-19 response for tribal, county and city jurisdictions in the U.S. GEEKS’ support for connectivity and resilience stakeholders is based on Technology for a Resilient World, the organization’s strategic vision for cross-sector multi-disciplinary models that can be implemented to achieve order-of-magnitude improvements in sustainable preparedness.
GEEKS’ modular tools are part of its global effort to help close the digital divide by introducing a customizable, legislative framework and regulatory toolbox. These are designed to increase the availability of broadband internet facilities by reducing the time, cost and environmental impact of rolling out high-speed communications networks. The tools are designed to inspire a global policy effort to help close the digital divide, and bring connectivity to the estimated 3.2 billion people who do not have the benefit of internet access.
About Geeks Without Frontiers
Geeks Without Frontiers is a technology-neutral platform for global impact. An award-winning non-profit, Geeks’ mission is to promote technology for a resilient world including bringing the benefits of broadband connectivity – disaster preparedness, health, education, poverty reduction, gender equality and the other United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) – to the estimated 3.5 billion people who remain unconnected.